
It's not like I enjoy it anyway . . .

I have decided that I could spend the entirety of each day doing nothing but cleaning my home (superficial and deep) and it would actually look about the same as it does now when I do regular superficial cleaning and occasional deep cleaning. Kids and life just don't make for a home staying perfect for more than 35 seconds.

Conclusion: Accept that this is life with little munchkins that are home with me all day and keep things pleasant and not chaotic (already have). Now if I can get hubby to do the same. . .


SoulSearch said...

Hi, I've stumbled upon your blog from several links (can't remember where). You're lucky you get to stay with your kids all day.(Touch wood) that's something I dream about everyday being a working mom!


Anonymous said...

Came by way of a del.icio.us post, and I have to second the trauma of munchkin mess. As a stay at home mom after 18 plus years in Corporate America, I'm slowly coming to terms with this myself.

And not just the house - but my person as well. The amount of times I find myself out somewhere and shamefully realize I have a smear of peanut butter and/or jelly on me somewhere, not to mention juice stains.

But if I was an artist and it was paint or dried clay, would I feel ashamed? Nope. And nor should I now...

Holly said...

Thanks for saying hi!

SoulSearch: I am very grateful that I get to stay home with my children. It is always nice to be reminded though, thank-you!

Anemone: Good luck with the transition! It is funny how we tend to view things differently because it is parenting-related when we should really claim it with pride just as you say. Thanks for the perspective.