

I really, really like sharing new experiences with my kids. It is such a privilege to introduce them to something completely new, then watch their faces light up with the joy of discovery. It is strangely fascinating to realize how much they don't yet know, and scary to realize that it is up to me to teach and show them.

I frequently catch myself saying something I just expect them to understand, and then realize that there is no way that that could make sense to them/they would know the background. Stepping back to give what is a simple and basic explanation to me makes me think, and makes me realize that it isn't always easy to go back to the basics and clarify daily "moments," sayings, or experiences that are taken for granted and just understood for what they are. I don't know if what I just wrote makes sense, but I assume I could compare it to saying/teaching slang to someone that speaks a different language. There isn't always a logical explanation, but it just makes sense when you get it.

I know that they will eventually figure things out on their own, but I like being part of the discovery, and I like that I can exert my influence at this early age. I want them to look and think outside of their little world and realize the potential in everything around them. I really just want them to think and discover for themselves, to be a little braver, a little more intuitive, a little more aware.

Today, M requested lettuce with his dinner, and happily ate a few leaves. He even ate an onion that had been caramelized in butter and honey (How could you not?). While these are very rare occurrences, they thrill me. Maybe he is becoming a bit braver, a bit more adventurous, a little more aware.

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