
White Brick Wall

We had a brick wall in one of our first apartments and we loved it.
Whitewashing it would have made it even better.


A few more of Mary




Paint Colors

Choosing paint colors is such a pain. We currently have around 5 colors painted throughout the house in "test spots," and while we have narrowed down the main floor color to something similar to the light blue on the top image, we are still trying to figure out a darker color for the kitchen, bathroom, and possibly the dining and laundry room. T has a favorite, but I think it might be too "Easter egg."

These are some of the images via this this photostream that we were looking at for blue, gray, or white rooms:

Au Fil de

These fine art floral prints are lovely.
{See more here}

boopalina + bebe - eco modern mobile



Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...

This little one had no interest in staying still.


Skylar Collection

The shape of this sectional makes sense, especially for socializing.
In the right space it could be ideal.

Maybe the bird's-eye view is overly flattering?

Still Rockin'

We were at a loss for what to give a friend for his 40th birthday.
This print by Christopher David Ryan would have worked well,
especially for him.

The List

The things I am working on this year:

-Discover the perfect rich chocolate cake recipe. An over-the-top, lots of fudge frosting/mousse filled layers, makes you want to moan it is so good cake that T always craves.

-Simplify. Eliminate needless spending. Put together a budget and follow it.

-Be in bed with lights out by 10. Try to be in bed by 9:30 and spend the next half-hour winding down and reading.

-No computer past 9 pm, it throws off my sleep. Limit computer time all around.

-Create a healthier lifestyle. Eat better, sleep better, spend more time outside, be more active, think happier thoughts, spend more time on positive and quality things...

-Health is a privilege. Do what is needed to merit it.

-Plan out menus for the week. Waste less food and eat healthier through planning.

-Do all cleaning, laundry, etc. on the same day each week. Put laundry away the same day it is washed.

-Start exercising in the morning. This will entail setting my alarm (sigh), but if I don't do it in the morning, it usually doesn't happen.

-Clean out my closet. Toss the things I shouldn't be wearing. Replace with a few items I should be wearing if needed. (Translation: You know the outfits you swore you would never wear? Lazy slobby things like huge sweats and ugly t-shirts? Un-flattering pants and tops you previously would have been humiliated to wear in private, but now wear to take your kids to school? It is a slippery slope and I am afraid that I have begun to slide. Even if I have days when all I do is play at home with the kids there is no reason I can't wear something that is practical and put-together. It isn't heels or nothing.)

-Do things immediately. I have always had a tendency toward procrastination, and recently realized that if I take care of thoughts or things that need to be done immediately, I am motivated to do what needs to be done, freeing me to move on to whatever comes up next. If I push things to the side, oh boy, the delay in completing them rapidly spins out of control until it is just too overwhelming for me to even think about, so I put them off some more or forget about them entirely. I can make my life much easier if I just take care of ideas and things as they come up - it is quick and painless.

-Be on time. If I have a few extra minutes before I need to do something or go somewhere I immediately think that that means I have a few extra minutes to squeeze something in. I forget that there is always something that will delay things a bit or take more time than planned. Usually thinking that I will be somewhere early means that I will arrive on time and be much more pleasant and not stressed.

- This is the year that my "little project" either happens or I am moving on. (For those that know about it, it is still a (very prolonged) go. I'm in the process of switching factories....)

-Relax and enjoy life. It flies by so quickly and there is so much that is worth soaking in.

A few neglected pictures

People pay to have lips that look nowhere near this full...


One of the gorgeous older sisters.


I want to get a picture of my kids jumping together.
Sort of a random moment, but such a good time.


Creative Child's Floor Covering

foam alphabet tiles as rug
We have a pack of foam alphabet tiles that is really just collecting dust.
Using them to make a "rug" is brilliant.



Stop saving the best for later. Do and use good stuff now.



Ranunculus make me happy. I'd say they are my current favorite flower.

Hydrangea and peonies follow close behind.

Tulips will always make the top 5.

{Perhaps I should pass this post onto a certain man in my life?}

image via here via here


Mirrors and Circle Print

I was browsing West Elm's site and realized that I was liking the wall decor and rooms more than I was liking the product being showcased. I want to do something similar to the mirror display in the top picture.


The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.

-William James


Frame Riser

I am one of the many fans of Pottery Barn's new frame risers. The picture wall I have been saying I will do for the last year and a half will be placed on a wall that happens to have a thermostat, and the floating frame effect the riser offers will be perfect for covering it up. Now I just need to follow-through on the project...