
Some thoughts for me

Putting these thoughts out into the universe makes them a little more concrete and makes me feel more responsible

Things I've learned in the last year or so:

-I really, really love my little family. Even when I want to ring their necks

-I need sleep to be able to function and to have a remotely decent memory

-How to make our marriage really click. I'm not sure how, but something about the seventh year was really good for us. Not that it was at all bad before. Whatever it is I'd like to keep it up though!

-I am at a point in my life that if I want to improve an area of my life, I really have to focus and put effort into it. I'm still learning how to do this.

-Quite frequently it is better just to keep your mouth shut

-Do not mess with my kids or their heads.

-I need to be more organized. I even bought my first planner.

-Boys are very different from girls. Men are very different from women. This is life.

-I need to put more emphasis on spirituality in my life and share that with my kids

-Karma is very real

Some things I'd like to work on for the next year or so:

-Manage my time better
Make a schedule and stick with it
Stop putting off the inevitable. A lifetime of procrastination is not a good thing.
Try and get the not-so-fun stuff done by 11am (laundry, cleaning, etc.) so that I am free to enjoy the rest of the day and use the night to get me stuff done. (This is new as of today . . .)

-Be a better Mom:
Drop everything when one of my kids asks me to read to them (within reason!)
Get down on their level and just be with them. Play more.
Try to help them open their minds and expand their horizons by introducing them to new things
Follow their lead

-Cook more often and try to involve the kids - we all enjoy this!

-Continue to focus on local, natural, and organic.

-Finally get SOBS up and running. Make it a success.

-Work on my photography skills. Maybe even find my style.

-Get more sleep so I don't look like the walking dead
Be in bed between 9 and 9:30 each night and use this time to read. Lights out by ten.

-Read more. I love it and can't believe I've let it slip.

-Increase my level of spirituality. Truly make it apart of my daily life.

-Do a Family Home Evening every Monday night

-Actually use my reusable bags. I even keep them in the car and still forget. It is ridiculous.

-Make puff pastry from scratch

-Get outside more

-Take up Yoga. Find my center. All that good stuff.

-What I put out into the world is what I will get back. Once again, Karma.

-Expand my horizons. Continue learning more about the world around me.

I might add to this as I realize other needs, we'll see how this goes . . .


pat said...

Good. You will fly. Writing it down is the first step.

Mandy said...

A lot of yours sound very familiar. If you find something that really works for you let me know.

The Jesperson Family said...

I'm glad you did this. I need to do this and reading your list has inspired me. Good for you! Writing it down is the first step...keep us updated on your progress!

Claire said...

Those are some cool goals and I share a few with you. Just not the puff pastry part, unfortunately (or fortunately, since I have no clue what that even is)....

Holly said...

Wow, someone does check this blog!