
Color Categorized Books

I like my books arranged according to category, but always find myself sighing with pleasure when I see a bookshelf that is arranged by color. In the right room it is so pleasing, but I would assume it could easily be too much.


  1. I asked Aaron a while ago if I could do this with our books.

    He said no.


  2. Just sneak it in when he's not home, then distract him (wink, wink) before he notices!

  3. I've always done the colour thing (since I was a child even - I think I have a form of OCD). I find that when I think of a book, I automatically think of the colour.

    The only exception is my cookbooks, which are kept all together close to the kitchen...

  4. I did color code our books. We just don't have enough books for it to really look good. Maybe I should just borrow some of yours.
