
random light - moooi

I think this trio of lights is just what I want over my dining room table, but that room has a unique ceiling that draws you to the center and needs a well-lit single focal point.

Another view. Kind of looks a little cobweb-y/moon photo here, doesn't it? I like the contrast the black background offers.

I am suddenly wanting to paint my table blue . . .

top image via Met Home, middle via
pinklovesbrown's fs, bottom via Mom's Turf

Light Blue & White + Tufted Chaise

I sort of want to forgo the cutesy stuff in my daughter's big girl room and just go straight to something like this.

I must find this tufted chaise! I can honestly say that the chaise we own has been our best furniture purchase ever. It makes for a wonderful reading area and has room for more than one. We always find ourselves piled up on it. Since I'll take the glider out of A's room when we change things up we will need a new reading spot.

More Lovely Moss Items

I just adore moss right now.

This wreath might actually make me a wreath person. Knowing that it has the potential to last a year is enticing.


Open Spaces

Yet another argument for meshing indoor and outdoor living spaces.

I like this variation on the Cicatrice De Luxe chandelier used above.

Such an attractive replacement of a standard railing/banister.

If I ever build a home, every structural decision will be based around the amount of light let into each area.

After taking the time to scan in these images from May's Metropolitan Home Magazine I discovered a link to the entire article and full house gallery here. Even better!

It is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed.

~Vida Scudder

The mushrooms are taking over

All the moisture we've been getting means mushrooms of all sizes are taking over my pots. This is a baby one.


Fireplace + Kitchen

When imagining my dream kitchen I sometimes picture a cozy seating area that includes a fireplace that doubles as an oven. I'm usually not thinking about the smell or the clean-up, but that is the point of a dream kitchen, right?

I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole table connected to the counter approach, but I find it intriguing enough that I want to remember it.

I might have already added this to my list of kitchen musts, but open shelves for frequently used dishes, books, etc. are a must.
scanned via May '08 BH&G

Fancy Schmancy

Because fancy lemon bars are so much cooler looking than plain ones.
scanned via May 2008 BH&G magazine
Intriguing art.
scanned via July 2008 Martha Sewart Living


Moss + Stone Centerpiece

This might be one of my
favorite centerpieces ever.

{You could move it to the garden later!}

Rock Bed vs. Plantings

I am becoming dissilusioned with the idea that every inch of a yard needs to be planted with something high maintenance and water hungry. Using river rock in a small planting bed (with plants in this case) seems like a visually appealing alternative for the right style of home.
scanned via May 2008 Metropolitan Home magazine

Shallow Book Shelf

I love this idea for making a reading nook out of tiny area.

scanned via June '08 BH&G magazine

Pet & Zoo Rubberbands

These rubberbands are just plain fun!

(Plus they'd keep the kiddos entertained while hanging out with me in the office)


I think I want to go camping . . .

For starters, this is definitely the way to shoot an ad to appeal to consumers. Who doesn't want to find themselves in this setting on a very deserted island? Sign me up, please.

I am finding this big teepee by Gandia Blasco very enticing. Of course my imagination is not including the reality of the munchkins and scads of toys piled up inside. My imagination involves lots of piramide lights and well, the top image.

Krislyn Design

Amazing eye candy by Krislyn Design.

Isn't the reflection beautiful?
via Hostess with the Mostess


OFFI Roll-Top Bench

I love items that multi-task for me. Especially when these items are parenting-related.


Beach Bear Cupcakes

Leave it to Bakerella to inspire me to
have a little more fun in the kitchen!

The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.

-Frank A. Clark


Emotion . . . is my middle name . . .

My little one reminds me of that poem about the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead: "When she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad she was awful." (Or something like that!)

Fortunately she is very very good the majority of the time, but oh my she can switch moods in an instant. Most of the time she can snap out as easily as she can snap in so it isn't too bad. It can actually be pretty comical because she puts her heart and soul into it and it is usually because of the same simple and trivial triggers.
Isn't this pout priceless?

She tried to put mascara on herself this morning. She is such a little girl. Fortunately it wasn't waterproof and came off easily!

ZK Interiors

Why I need to hire a good designer.

More images here. Designed by ZK Interiors.

I need this saying/art on my wall for when my daughter is older.
via desire to inspire

Andros Bistro Chair

This chair in red would look fantastic on my back deck. It isn't what I usually find myself attracted to, but with the red brick, peeling red paint on the wood (needs to be stained very soon) and all of my pots with green and reds it would look perfectly quaint.


The stunning studio of Simone Hanckel. I have really been liking whites as of late.

I wonder at what point I have or will have crossed the line when it comes to using an image on this blog. I always credit the source, but realize that the source may not always like an image to be used. If it were my business or blog I would appreciate the word of mouth, but others might not feel that way. Obviously this is just a small site that is not for commercial use, it is just stuff that I find pretty, so I'll just keep crediting were credit is due and hope that is sufficient.

Clean-up! Clean-up! Everybody Everywhere . . .

T's parents are coming tonight, so I am spending the day trying to keep the house clean while cleaning it (make sense?). My not so organized laundry room made me think of this cleaning closet and has me wishing I were this organized.

scanned via a recent BH&G

Hawthorne Effect

Something to keep in mind with projects I work on, and definite motivation to actually keep track of things:

"Simply put, the Hawthorne Effect found that when something is measured, it improves - and when something is measured and reported, it improves exponentially."

Robert Kiyosaki's words on the Hawthorne Effect via Entrepreneur Magazine


Color Categorized Books

I like my books arranged according to category, but always find myself sighing with pleasure when I see a bookshelf that is arranged by color. In the right room it is so pleasing, but I would assume it could easily be too much.

Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it.

~Oprah Winfrey

Displaying Photographs

Interesting way of combining b&w + color photos.
via purple area


Hydrangea it is . . .

Boxwood and hydrangea for the front yard I think. I am excited. I know certain hydrangea grow blue flowers with the right amount of acid in the soil, and while I am planning on sticking with whites and greens to go with our red brick, having the option of turning things blue if we paint our brick could make for a very stunning yard.

It is funny how our tastes "evolve." I loved the landscaping on our last home, but knew it would never work with our current place and now actually no longer like the old look. If you would have told me 3 months ago that I would be trying to grow a manicured hedge I probably would have given you a weird look. Fortunately I like change and learning from my personal style evolution.


Simple House + Fantastic Flooring

Simple and clean and perfectly delightful.

This wood floor is wonderful. We had something similar in our last house and it really hid the daily mess well, plus I like how it lightens a room.

I am finally starting to get serious about putting up pictures of the kiddos and our life. I am not a pictures scattered around the house kind of girl and have been trying to figure out how to make it work for me. This wall of photos might be it, but where would I put it? How long would it take to sort out frame and image sizes? hmmm.

Love this.

T is almost done with his never ending art project, so we might actually get this house looking put together soon (which is actually late).

Oooh . . .

More photos and info (in Danish) here and a slideshow here.
via Design Mom


Hydrangea + Small Hedge

We are still working out the details on our landscape plan, and this design (Hydrangea + Hedge Border) is definitely moving it's way up to being the winning look. It really fits the exterior of our home and it is lovely.
via Garden Ideas & Outdoor Living

Pretty Flowers

I love warm weather and all the pretty things it brings!

These floral arrangements are stunning. Bold, bright colors are my favorite.

It's not like I enjoy it anyway . . .

I have decided that I could spend the entirety of each day doing nothing but cleaning my home (superficial and deep) and it would actually look about the same as it does now when I do regular superficial cleaning and occasional deep cleaning. Kids and life just don't make for a home staying perfect for more than 35 seconds.

Conclusion: Accept that this is life with little munchkins that are home with me all day and keep things pleasant and not chaotic (already have). Now if I can get hubby to do the same. . .


Snippet and Ink

Wedding sites and blogs have some of the neatest ideas for entertaining or just for life in general. Snippet and Ink is a new favorite- I love the colors in these inspiration boards.

Dump Truck Cake

The idea of the look on M's face if I could make this cake is enough to actually consider it . .